Trustees & Committee Latest Update


Roman Park Residents Club – Committee and Trustee update – August 22

Dear resident,

Firstly, we invite you to Howard’s Retirement Party, held at the Club on Friday 12th August. Full details are in the events section. We would love to see you attend and give him the send-off he deserves, having served the Club for many years!

Kiddies Climbing Frame

We have purchased and are building the new climbing frame in the Club’s rear garden. We have changed the location to site it just behind the patio area, so parents have better visibility from the conservatory and main bar area. (Although parents are reminded that it is their responsibility to ensure the safety of children playing on the equipment). The fencing behind the patio has also been replaced and extended further round the perimeter of the garden.

Litter Picking Walk – 2nd July

Sadly, despite this being a popular interest amongst residents, only one resident participated on the day. Fourteen full bags of litter were collected from the local area. A big thank you to the resident and the event organisers.

Tuesday and Saturday Coffee and Cake mornings.

Now open at the Club every Tuesday and Saturday -10am-2pm.


Free Blood Pressure testing for the over 40’s – 12th July

Great to see residents make use of this and have their blood pressure checked. Feedback was positive, and residents found the event useful. We will look to rebook in the future.

Monthly drop-in surgeries

As attendance has declined over the past few months, the July Drop-in will be the last held. Instead, we would encourage residents to email the Trustees at or the Committee email address below with any queries you may have.

Michael Bublé tribute – 20th August at the Club from 8pm – Free to attend

We are delighted to announce an evening of easy listening, swing and much more from a celebrated tribute singer to the world-famous Bublé! He will deliver 2 x 45-minute sets, followed by the Club disco to enjoy, sing and dance the evening away.


Coach Trip – day out at Clacton – 24th August, 8am-5pm

Linking up with the Parish Council, there is a day-out event in Clacton. Tickets are available from the Parish Office from 19th July. The cost is £7.50 for adult Parish residents, £5 for child residents. £10 and £7.50 for non-residents. The parish contact number is 01908 227201


Houses of Parliament trip for the Over 65’s – 31st October

Again, linking up with the Parish, more information to follow closer to the event.


Floristry Class – August / September at the Club – numbers dependent

We currently have approximately 20 residents who have confirmed interest, and we will be in touch soon to progress. If you are interested and haven’t yet responded, please email us at

Weekday walking

As all of the Committee work, we are looking for support from residents to help establish a Weekday Walking Club. If you are interested, please contact the Committee at the email address in this flyer. Sadly, the Friday Trotters walking group operating in the area is not currently taking new members due to increased covid cases.



The Committee AGM will be held on Saturday 3rd September at midday in the Club Hall. Please see the enclosed leaflet for further information.


The Trustee AGM will be held on Sunday 11th September at 11am in the Club Hall. Full information will be sent out in due course.


Yours faithfully,

The Committee and Trustees

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