1. Bob D'Souza

    Regarding the motion to stop Sky and BT Sports.
    The motion was lost with those present agreeing to continue the subsidy to keep the club as a sports bar.
    This means that every house hold will be asked to pay £28 (plus an increase for inflation) during 2024 for this service.
    It would be interesting to know the actual votes cast for and against, illustrating how the decision of a few can impact on the finances of everyone

  2. David Timms

    I was at the OGM and I don’t think the figures recorded in the finance section of these minutes match those stated by the accountants at the time. I believe Dan Hippey actually quoted an ANNUAL “lost profit” for the club of circa £25,000 from the gaming machines following the Trustees decision to pull them in quarter one 2023. It was also discussed but not minuted that the Trustees had not spoken to the main gamers and that no serious consideration had been taken for recreational use.

    It is also understood that other sorts of “lower risk” lower profit machines are available that may be able to mitigate at least some of this lost income stream.

    Note/ the financial impact of £25,000 lost profit divided by 423 properties would be £59 per annum per property.

    It is deeply concerning with a potential £400+ Equal Contribution for 2024 on the horizon, that the Trustees now seem to be erroneously quoting £9,000 a month lost profit from gaming machines. This would equate to a staggering £108,000 lost profit for 12 months which which is out of scale with prior club finances. Surely this can’t be another typo? Figures now appear to be being plucked out of the air or being misunderstood/ misquoted – Is it just a coincidence that £108,000 / 423 = £255 + £168 current contribution = £423?

    10.37 am 9/11/23

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