Roman Park Residents Club, built and set up in 1987, was an exclusive facility for the residents & tenants of Blue Bridge and Bancroft Park in Milton Keynes. The club provided a local place to relax and unwind whilst still being able to have a good time with some of our locally renowned entertainment evenings.

The main facilities on offer included a fully licensed bar with a wide variety of beers, real ales, wines and spirits.  Monthly functions were organised by the Residents Committee and these ranged from karaoke, pub quizzes, live music entertainment, Race Nights, Summer Fun Day, Halloween Party, Kids Christmas Pantomime, Christmas Eve Party to our our sell-out New Years Eve Party.

A later addition was a fully equipped coffee shop open to members and non-members.

The Club also had a full-sized squash court with a balcony spectating area. The squash court was frequently booked by residents but also allowed non-residents guests to play.

Birthdays, anniversaries and wedding receptions were all catered for in our main function room that could seat comfortably up to 100 guests, followed by a quick rearrangement of furniture to make way for the dance floor and evening entertainment.

The Club also contained a seated conservatory with comfy sofas including an open fireplace, and a large beer garden with a children’s play area accompanied by an extensive seated decking area.

The Club’s aim was always  to provide an enjoyable community facility for as many residents as possible and bring neighbours together with social events and special interest clubs.

Over the years The Club attracted less and less numbers and the running costs were having to be covered by an increasing annual Equal Contribution payment from our property owners. This, combined with severe increases in energy and other costs, brought matters to a head. In April 2024 our owners voted in favour of leasing The Club to a third party. The Trustees were tasked with finding a suitable tenant. One was found and  on the 1st July they took over the running of Club which is now open to the public under a full Premises License.


The Club’s constitution can be downloaded here.

The constitution is much reduced in size and scope following the decision to lease The Club

Organisation Structure and Responsibilities

The organisation and responsibilities of the various groups are defined in the Deed of Trust.


The Roman Park Estate comprises the residential areas Blue Bridge and Bancroft Park. The properties of the Roman Park Estate are governed by a covenant which was set up by the developer when the estate was built.


The Roman Park Estate is governed by the Declaration of Trust dated 1st April 1985.

The 5 Trustees elected by residents at the Club’s Annual General Meeting, automatically become Directors of Roman Park Management Ltd and therefore accountable for their actions and decisions in all legal and fiscal matters.

The current Trustees are Sharon Taylor (Chair), John Coveney (Secretary), Brian Southern (Treasurer) and Lee Muncey. There is one place on the Board of Trustees currently vacant. Each trustee holds one of the five shares in the company . The fifth share is held by the Secretary in a non-voting capacity.


  • The Trustees are responsible for maintaining the integrity of the club building and its contents 
  • Payment of  bills which include  insurance, repairs and renewals of fixtures and fittings which are not the responsibility of tenants and security
  • Payment of professional fees to accountants and solicitors.
  • Set the level of the annual equal contribution. Production and delivery of invoices and the collection and recovery of sums owed.
  • Ensure the building meets all statutory and health and safety requirements. 
  • Subsidiary premises lettings
  • Ensuring that new owners of property on the two estates have signed the Deed of Covenant.

The cost of the above is funded both by the income from the homeowner’s equal contributions and by rental income from our tenants.