
Newsletter 27 September 2024

A big thank you to all of our residents and landlords who turned out on a very wet morning to attend the OGM. It was lovely to fill the Function Room and it was a privilege to witness your support! We will post draft minutes from this event on our website as soon as possible following our next Trustees meeting which is on the 7th October.

Your now “officially elected” Trustees will continue with the work to streamline contracts and strive to put Roman Park Management Ltd on a more secure financial footing. If anyone is interested in taking on a Trustee position, please let us know as we still have one vacancy

For those of you unable to attend this morning the Equal Contribution (EC) for 2025 will be £60.00 plus VAT totalling £72.00. This will be due by 31st January 2025 or can be paid in 3 instalments of £24.00 in January, February and March. It is our intention that all ECs are paid by the beginning of April 2025.

As we no longer manage the bar and do not employ the staff ECs must be paid either by bank transfer or by a cheque posted through the Trustees letterbox. Bank details are always printed on your invoice

And now for some other news. Firstly, and I know this will be a disappointment to some we withdrew our application for a Parish grant to help cover the cost of a firework display this year. Such grants are meant for non-profit making organisations and not for companies such as ours. Once we had factored in the exorbitant cost of insurance, the cost of paying for the set up and subsequent clear up, first aid cover and marshalling the event, which has got much larger, we felt the cost to our residents to be excessive. And of course, this year we could not even off set costs against bar takings and sales of food. This means that we will not be hosting a display in Bancroft Park this year.

Going forward we hope to announce a Residents lunch in the café shortly. I believe Lynn is planning a 2-course lunch for £10.00 but evidence of address must be provided and of course the café menu has recently been extended so we hope you are all making use of that space when out and about

Robin and Lynn are also planning for a ticketed event for New Year’s Eve at £10.00 per head. This will continue to be advertised on our website and on the Roman Crown FB page.

Our next Newsletter will include the 3rd quarter management accounts together with next year’s budgets so please keep an eye on our website


Chair of Trustees