1. David Timms

    Whilst it is desirable to have a new Residents Committee in place sooner rather than later, it is not critical from a licencing perspective. All licencing responsibilities passed to the Centre Manager in January 2023 and the last time I checked there was no requirement to have a Wine Committee in the Club Premises Certificate, so our licence is not depend on it.

    There is a requirement to have a Wine Committee in the Club Constitution with responsibilities for the selection and setting the sales prices of alcohol products. Whilst no products or pricing changes can be made until a new Wine Committee is establish there is no impact on our ability to legally sell alcohol. As reported in the September AGM all products were reviewed, selected and prices had been price set with gross profit margins between 60% & 65%, all this constitutionally ratified by the Residents Committee following the general brewery increases of Q2. The HMRC duty changes in August have also been made to the current price list. Interestingly the Trustees are specifically excluded from product choice and pricing.

    1. Thank you for this, David.
      Two Trustees met with both Licensing Officers of Milton Keynes City Council on 10th of October.
      They gave us this information during the meeting.

      1. David Timms

        You must remember that at the request of the Trustees when we changed our constitution in January 23 we removed all the licencing responsibilities from the Residents Committee Secretary and passed them, correctly in my view, to the Centre Manager. The Constitution and Club Premises Certificate we modified to reflect this change. Why them was reference made to the Licencing Officers on this specific point when you met with them?

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