Latest News from the Trustees

Dear Residents


I expect you think that things have become rather quiet following on from the activity in April. I can assure you that this has been far from the case.


As Trustees we got to work on preparing the application for a premises licence which allows us to open to non-members. This was submitted on Monday 29th April and accepted on Wednesday 1st May. We then had a tense 28 day waiting period to allow concerned groups and individuals to make representations. We have successfully dealt with the representations received and I am delighted to announce the issue of the licence. After a conversation with Robin and Lynn we are hoping to have the lease signed by the middle of June.


We have also met with our staff hoping to make their transfer to new employers as smooth as possible.


I expect you will start to notice change within the building. Our tenants are keen to rejig the kitchen particularly as their plan includes extending the food service and we as potential landlords have gone out looking for quotes to improve the bathroom facilities.


We have also investigated at length the ongoing problems with the roof and hope to have the necessary remedial work completed very shortly.


Our next big project is to apply to remove the charge held by Homes England on the property which is the first step in work needed to investigate the feasibility of selling in the future.


Some residents particularly those with younger members will have noticed damage with the slide in the garden. As with everything to do with this property it isn’t straight forward. The equipment was purchased by the Resident’s committee with monies they had raised and therefore technically does not belong to RPM Ltd. It is also just 2 years old and the slide failing so quickly is not encouraging. However, we will continue to work out a way forward and hopefully get this fixed soon.


Our Company Secretary continues with his project of sorting out the numerous contracts in place and either terminating or re-negotiating dependent on whose responsibility each area will fall under. He has also located the covenants we have all signed in preparation for taking necessary steps to recover outstanding ECs which we will be undertaking with some vigour. It is very unfair that a small number of residents have withheld their EC when the majority have paid. Some have even made agreements and still, to date, have made no payment.


We have had several complaints about the poor parking on some roads particularly immediately opposite junctions and on the corner of junctions. These are Highway violations, and we would ask all residents to be considerate of their neighbours. We have chased both the Parish Council and MK City Council about the proposed traffic calming measures they announced in January 2020 with little response. Please take a moment to look at the advice we have about this on our site and if you are affected, please take the time to email MK City Council. Remember our local Councillor, is Pete Marland, the Leader so feel free to copy him in.

There was a mis print in the voting results from April 14th published in our last news update so I have listed them again for clarity. Those on display on our Notice board are correct.

Motion 1 Proxy Votes 34 for Votes in person 96 for Total 130 for

33 against 14 against 47 against

Motion 2 Proxy Votes 33 for Votes in person 91 for Total 124 for

33 against 12 against 45 against

Motion 3 Proxy Votes 64 for Votes in person 97 for Total 161 for

2 against 12 against 14 against

We received 177 votes in total making this we believe the best supported motion ever


As a Trustee group we are very keen to keep you up to date with developments. Please feel free to email as at if you have any questions or concerns




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