Minutes of the Trustees Meeting on 2nd May 2024


1. PRESENT – Sharon Taylor (Chair), Brian Southern (Treasurer), John Coveney (Secretary), Lee Muncey.
Mr David Timms


3. MINUTES OF LAST MEETING – These were agreed and submitted into the record.

Mr Timms walked the Trustees through the results of an inspection of the roof above the bar area
where the recent leaks have been occurring. The report and the accompanying photographs show
that there are a number of areas where repairs are needed. It is not obvious which of these may be
responsible for the leaks but they all need to be addressed. It was agreed that we should again try to
follow up with the contractor who did the major work on the roof last year where we have, in
theory, a fifteen year guarantee of the work performed. If this option does not prove to be
practicable, either because of the supplier being elusive or the repairs being outside of the areas
where work was previously undertaken, then it was agreed that we would ask the local contractor
who carried out the inspection to do the work. The estimate received was less than £500 which was
thought to be worthwhile taking a risk with when compared to the likely costs of a larger roofing
Mr Timms then left the meeting.

We have had agreement that in the prolonged absence of the Secretary any Certificates of
Compliance required for property sales can be handled by reassigning the Secretary role. Since the
expected longer term absence of the Secretary will be in August when house sales are typically slow
this contingency may not be required in any case.

The Newsletter was produced and loaded to the website.

The Secretary confirmed that both TNT Sports and Sky will be cancelled on the 2 May as planned.
We had the final bill for the former and a phone confirmation form the latter.

The reminder letters and invoices for Equal Contribution payments have been produced, Half of
them have been delivered with the other half being planned to be delivered on the 3 May.

We have received the certificate cancelling the CCJ that has remained on RPML since 2021. John
Coveney to send this to the Insurers to remove the threat of voiding our insurance after we failed to
disclose the CCJ when applying for the Insurance in a previous year. (post meeting note, the Insurers
have been sent the certificate)

The Treasurer confirmed that the contract with Aldemore Leasing for the tills runs until June 2025,
after which time we would pay only a peppercorn rent annually. The contract with the same
company for the CCTV system expires in July this year and we will own the system for a nominal one
off payment.

The Chair has spoken to Snipaholix to update them on the results of the recent SGM/EGM and
reassure them about their lease. She has also spoken to the Greek Van to understand what their
contractual position with us is.

The new chiller has been installed. One more visit to fully commission it will be needed.

The Chair has also held a meeting with the likely new tenants to discuss progress and the next steps
in moving the tenancy forwards.

How to chase Aged Debtors was discussed at length and is minuted privately given the sensitive and
personal nature of the discussions.

The Chair has applied for the Premises license and the relevant notices have been posted on the
road and redway by the Club and in the local press as required by the Licensing Authority.
The prospective new tenants have indicated that once the premises license has been obtained they
will be signing the lease agreement. We have to allow 28 days by law to see if there are any
objections to the Premises license being granted. If there are no objections then the plan will be to
have the lease signed on the 1st June. If there are objections we will have to wait a further 28 days to
resolve them.

We formally accepted Kim Bond’s resignation from her position as a Trustee and Director of Roman
Park Management Limited. We now have a vacancy.

As has been pointed out to us by several residents, we are now in a position where all of the Trustees
have been coopted. None of us have been voted on by plot owners. Whilst it was recognised that is
not an ideal situation our view was that we would offer ourselves up for re-election at the AGM in
September. The overarching view was that the urgency of seeing the upcoming changes through
successfully justified our current roles. Obviously the plot owners may not agree and are free to call
an SGM with 28 days notice if they receive 30 signatures to ask us to formally stand and be voted in
or out.

It was agreed that we will reapply for the grant from the Parish Council. The previous application
submitted by the Residents Committee was rejected. The reasons for rejection have been noted and
we will amend the application accordingly. It was noted that we would discuss with the new tenants
the funding of the difference between the costs for the evening and the grant given that it would be
a successful evening for the tenants.

Minuted privately.

The Secretary reported that the role of Data Controller is assigned to his position. The ICO renewal
fee is due and the name of the Data Controller will need to be changed form the previous Secretary.
The Secretary informed the meeting that he had completed an initial assessment of our
documentation and procedures with respect to conforming to the 2018 Data Protection Act. The
result of that investigation is that there is a considerable amount of effort required to bring us fully in
line. The meeting concurred that this should be a high priority for the Secretary.

12. AOB
We discussed a recent e-mail from a plot owner which sets out some concerns in a number of aeras.
The requirement to respond to each of these concerns was allocated among the Trustees with a view
to providing a consolidated response within 7 days.

We have had more emails on the subject of parking on the Estates, particularly on Culbertson Lane.
The Chair informed us that the Parish Council have had little success in trying to get the City Council
and their agencies to support us in having the situation improved. It is likely that direct contact from
concerned residents will be more effective so we will aim to produce a communication on how
residents may best achieve this. We discussed the need for the anonymity of the complainants to be
protected given that emotions will likely be running high.

The meeting concluded at 8.30pm

The next meeting will be on Thursday 16th May at 6.30pm in the Club

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