Communications Update and Details of the Ordinary General Meeting on 22nd September


The main purpose of this part of the newsletter is to inform plot owners of the date and time of the annual Ordinary General Meeting (OGM). Full and formal details of the OGM and how you can submit motions to be voted upon are included over the page.

Many of you have commented upon how we need to improve communications between the Trustees and Plot Owners. In the past we have relied upon printing newsletters such as this one and walking them around the estates. Over time as more houses have been owned by investors we have had to move to a hybrid mix of using flyers, emails and posts on our website. There have been attempts to create a mailing list which have never been fully followed through and which have not kept pace with the legislative changes around Data Protection.

We now intend to make the website our primary vehicle for keeping you informed about what we have done and will be doing. We have made some changes to the site already to reflect the leasing of the Club and to add a page for a monthly newsletter. Minutes of the Trustees meetings and other announcements are posted under the News heading as a series of blog type posts. We are planning other changes to set out our involvement in the house sales process and what offers are avaiable to you from our tenants at the Club. Other information will be added later and we are happy to receive your suggestions on what you would like to see.

That said we know that some of you would still prefer to have a paper copy of newsletters either from the Club or delivered to your door. We will be happy to do that but just bear in mind that costs all of us money. As a part of our recent cost reduction exercises we have returned our photocopier which was underused and actually very expensive to keep running so we can only print limited volumes ourselves. If you want to receive a paper copy of future newsletters then please let us know by emailing

We have not abandoned email as a communication method. In the short term we will continue to use it to provided updates to our absent landlords where we hold an email address for them or their managing agents. Going forwards we would like to implement a controlled, compliant mailing list which we can use to send out invoices for the Equal Contribution and notices of General Meetings and associated papers for those of you who would prefer to receive them this way. We would ensure that you have full control over consent for the various communication types with the ability to unsubscribe at any time to meet data protection and privacy requirements.

Our first priority is the website which we hope to have completed by the middle of September. After that we will start to look at the email approach.

That’s it for now. Please review the reverse of this paper and, if you can, attend the OGM.

Sharon Taylor

Chair of the Trustees







In accordance with the Declaration of Trust, this is to advise you that the annual Ordinary General meeting will be held at the Club at 10.30am on Sunday 22nd September 2024. The Declaration of Trust states that homeowners/plotholders may only attend and vote if they have paid their annual Equal Contribution or agreed a payment plan with the Management Company. Any plothololder may appoint a proxy to attend and vote on their behalf. Proxy voting forms are available by emailing or by submitting a request in writing through the mailbox in the Trustees Office. They will be available after the closure of trustee nominations and motions to be added to the Agenda on the 1st September 2024.

This year is highly unusual in that the four current Trustees were co-opted to the role and have not been voted in by you. Accordingly, all four will be standing for re-election at the meeting. There is one vacancy on the Board of Trustees. Nominations for new Trustees are invited and must be made in writing, signed by two plot holders who have paid their Equal Contribution or agreed a payment plan and be delivered to the Chair of the Trustees by 1st September 2024, via the Trustees mailbox in the Club. Should there be more than five Trustees nominated, including the incumbents, then the five with the highest number of supporting votes will be elected.

Nomination forms for new Trustees are available by emailing or by submitting a request in writing through the mailbox in the Trustees Office.

If you wish to present a motion for discussion at the OGM the proposal form for such may be obtained by emailing or by submitting a request in writing through the mailbox in the Trustees Office. Each proposal requires the support of ten plot holders who have paid their Equal Contribution or agreed a payment plan and must be received by the 1st September 2024.

Accounts for the year ending 31st December 2023 will be available from the 1st September 2024 and can be viewed from that date on the club website  or by requesting a copy from

Sharon Taylor

Chair of the trustees


  1. Welcome
  2. Minutes of the OGM 10th September 2023 and the EGMs of 17th December 2023 and 14th April 2024. These are available to view on the new section of the club website at or by requesting a copy from
  3. Chair’s Report
  4. Accounts to 31st December 2023
  5. Proposed Equal Contribution for 2025
  6. Proposals/motions, voting by attendees
  7. Any other business

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